Letter from the Secretariat
Esteemed Directors, Distinguished Guests, and Dear Delegates,
With great pleasure, we welcome you to the 30th session of the Turkish International Model United Nations, an important milestone for our conference. We are grateful for the contributions made to TIMUN by diligent participants over the years and do not doubt that TIMUN will continue to provide a platform of free discussion and learning for eager delegates in the years to come.
The theme of TIMUN ‘24 is “The Uncertain Future of Traditional Industries: Labor in the Digital Economy”. The shift in conventional means of using technology has brought a change in how we define our living, working, and learning spaces. The aforementioned change is conspicuous in virtually all fields of labor. In addition to visible changes in workspaces, digital labor has greater implications in terms of the structure of labor unions and the policies to be created by distinct governments.
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence and related technologies has rendered many existent regulations and legal frameworks obsolete. Although the newest technologies have the potential to aid humanity in many unforeseen ways, it is imperative for states to put forward newer frameworks that will meet the needs of rapid technological transformation.
The decision for our theme was thus greatly influenced by the current status quo, which is the ambiguity around the future of traditional means of employment and current neoliberal policies. Our region of focus, Central and South America, will bring a unique angle to the discussion for delegates and prompt innovative ideas.
As heads of the Executive Team, we’re confident that TIMUN ‘24 will add to our principles of scholarship, research, and collaboration in a way that is representative of the legacy of the oldest MUN conference in Turkey and one of the oldest THIMUN-affiliated conferences in Asia. The Executive Team of TIMUN ‘24 has endeavored to the best of its ability to make TIMUN ‘24 a hub of innovation and peer collaboration. We can’t wait to host you this November on our campus and hope for a memorable conference for all.
With our best wishes,
Derin Özkan, İnci Zeynep Topak & İlke Biçeroğlu
The Secretariat of TIMUN '24